Lusitanissimo 309

 Stallion, born 2022

Actual height 166

 An absolutely gorgeous young stallion, big, but still very typical and with an excellent mind. Just too charming and with a lot of "sex appeal"! A real eye catcher. There will soon be a video available!

Price: C

Lusitanissimo 319

PSL Stallion, born 2020

Actual height 163

Son of Dihol AR, out of Ativa IM, by Piton Manuel Braga

A gorgeous youngster with great movements, suspension, flexibility and a natural balance out of the ordinary! Started under saddle since some months

with excellent result, easy to learn and willing to do so. A new video is about to be published

Good vetcheck

Price: D

Lusitanissimo 324

Cruzado, born 2019

Height 166

 Very nice gelding with a super mentality and three good gaits with a + for the canter. Easy in all handling, used to hacking out. Been to Golegã and behaves beautifully

Price: E

Lusitanissimo 327

PSL gelding 2019

Actual height 162

I never say about a horse, that he is "bomb-prof", but I think this horse is the closest you can come to this, often very abused, expression. As you can see, he is quite beautiful and also very sweet. You can hack him out alone or with others, he has even made a competion, regional, ok, but anyway, with quite an honorable note, around 66%. He makes some lateral work, e.g leg yielding and shoulder in and is very rideable. Quite a darling, actually!

Price: C

Lusitanissimo 329

PSL Stallion, born 2019

Height 168

A big and beautiful young stallion with an excellent structure. As he has grown a lot, he hasn´t been ridden too much in order to spare him and let him grow with calm. He has a very nice character, both ridden and in all handling and three good gaits for dressage. Used to hacking out and being in the paddock!

Price: E

Lusitanissimo 330

PSL Mare, born 2000

Height 166   PIROFREE

 A very promising young mare, with type and gaits for dressage. Used to hacking out and being in the paddock! Daughter of RUBI AR, ridden at the Olympic Games in London 2012 by Gonçalo Carvalho, finishing 16th individually, scoring 77.607% in the Freestyle, where he was really dancing with the stars and 74% in the Grand Prix Special.

Price: By request

Lusitanissimo 331

 Gelding, born 2019

Actual height 165

 A very nice young gelding with an important potential for dressage. He is big with an excellent structure and very sportif. He is the sweetest possible being very cool and easy to handle in all situations. He isn´t too advanced in his training, as he came from the fields not so long ago. but he learns quickly, and is, of course, very willing to please. He even has a certain sense of humour, which I just love in a horse. For the moment he isn´t  a breathtaking beauty when standing still, but when he starts to move, WOW! He has a good walk and trot, but the canater is just fabulous! A horse for the future, that´s for sure!

Price: On request

Lusitanissimo 332

 Stallion, born 2022

PIROFREE  Actual height 163  PIROFREE

 A very beautiful young stallion with a nice mind, sweet and close to man and the movements are lovely.

Good vetcheck

Price: D

Lusitanissimo 333

 Stallion, born 2022

Actual height 161

 A, for the time being, not so beautiful youngster, but with movements to die for! Will post a small video soon! He is very sweet and friendly with an excellent pedigree, grandson of the fantastic father and Olimpic horse Escorial!

Good vetcheck

Price: C

Lusitanissimo 336

PSL stallion, born 2019

Height 159

Gorgeous young stallion, nivel low school. Video coming soon

Price: B

Lusitanissimo 337

PSL Stallion, born 2021

Height 159

Nivel low school, easy and learns easily, couragous and funny!

 Video coming soon

Price: C

Lusitanissimo 338

PSL gelding, born 2019

Height 159

A very well moving horse, with a nice mentality, liking to work and to please. Perfect for Working Equitation, Nivel low school, started the flying changes Video coming soon

Price: C

Lusitanissimo 339

PSL gelding, born 2015

Height 163

A very sweet natured horse with good movements in all three gaits and a lot of suspension, doing low school and used to hacking out, Golegã, etc. Calm and trustworthy.

Price: C

Lusitanissimo 340

PSL gelding, born 2014

Height 165

A horse, who really pleased me, with his fine movements and in all three gaits. All lateral work, flying changes, pirouettes, started piaffe and passage.

Price: D

Lusitanissimo 341

PSL Stallion, born 2021

Height 158

A very beautiful and typical young stallion with a very interesting pedigree!

 Video coming soon

Price: C

Lusitanissimo 342

PSL Gelding, born 2019

Height 157

The sweetest possible little boy, friendly and calm. Been twice to Golegã, goes outside with others, low school, isolated changes.

Price: B

Lusitanissimo 343

Cruzado Portuguese, born 2015

Height 163

A very beautiful and well-moving horse calm and easy in all handling. Not very advance, but willing to learn. Been ridden a lot outside, been to Golegã, etc.

Price: C

Lusitanissimo 344

PSL Stallion, born 2019

Height 162

A typical and beautiful Lusitano-stallion with good movements and a very correct level for his age, sensitive, but calm and gentle. Been to Golegã, etc and always shown a good behaviour.

Price: D


Graded mares with foals or ridden mares without

Different ages and sizes

 Price: A - B

Price Ranges :

A : Up to 5,000€

B : Between 5,000 € - 10,000€

C : Between 10,000€ - 15,000€

D : Between 15,000€ - 20,000€

E : Between 20,000€ - 25,000€

F : Starting at 25,000€